Spoiler Alert: Black 2017 (kdrama)

Thursday, January 18, 2018 11:07 AM

Hi guys, it's been a long time since I wrote a short review about kdrama series. I'm stopping myself to watch ongoing dramas, it's too exciting and disappointing whenever the flow isn't going like my mind wants.

If you're planning to watch the Black and you don't like any hint about the story, don't read this. If you want to know if it's worth watching, then you may finish it.

Anyway, this movie is not a horror, though I felt sort of that thing because of Grim Reaper in the story. Cannot avoid that because of the main characters. Let me tell you who are they and their role in the story.

Note: Don't be confused while watching the episodes because all your unanswered questions will be cleared as the story ends. Keep watching, do not waste your time bothering yourself as you may find the story chaotic at first.

Han Moo-gang (Detective) / Grim Reaper (#444)
He was the competent Grim Reaper, also known as #444 who is a cold-hearted who doesn't care about human feelings. He was a grim reaper who collects a human soul after death. He encountered a problem while trying to teach his partner a lesson. His partner possessed a dead body and he needs to find him in order for him not to be in trouble in the Grim Reaper world.

What I thought before I found  out the truth?
I thought #444 is not a human before he became a grim reaper as he doesn't have any emotion toward human world. He was a grim reaper without memory because his body has not yet found in the world.

Kang Ha-Ram
A woman who sees black shadow, she can foresee death through touching it. She wears sunglasses to avoid seeing the shadow in black reflection of it. As a child, she likes Kim Joon. That child is her savior while others are bullying her because of what she sees. She actually loves him, but after a long time she didn't hear any news about him. It happens that she thought that Detective Han is her childhood friend Joon.

Trivia about Kang Ha-Ram: She was a daughter of human and human possessed by a soul. That's why she can see shadows with added unnatural behavior to foresee death.

Before she realized her wrong assumption, Detective Han died. Then Grim Reaper possessed his body to use his job, having a gun to find his partner and shoot him in head to remove the soul in the human body.

While watching, I've thought that maybe #444 will be a human and will get Detective Han memories as he kept dreaming about his flashbacks. The twist is that Detective Han is brother like of Kim Joon the child that Ha Ram loves.

A tragic thing happened when they were a child. Detective Han mother killed Kim Joon to get his heart and donate the organ to him knowing that Kim Joon can survive in the accident. That's why Kim Joon's body is missing, it was under the sea. #444 body is Kim Joon.

#444/ Kim Joon will know the truth behind his death, the person who killed him is Kang Ha-Ram. Kang Ha-Ram father is soon to die when she tries to save him. From afar she shoot the shadow in front of his father not knowing that it was Kim Joon who was trying to save his friend.

Detective Han  possessed by #444 fall in love to Kang Ha-Ram. It was a tragic knowing all the twist of the story. What else dead Kim Joon a Grim Reaper can do? He doesn't want more to hurt Kang Ha-Ram. He tried to keep it as a secret not reporting his partner grim reaper in a condition to watch Ha-Ram while growing old because he decide to surrender himself to leave human world.

Unfortunately, Kang Ha-Ram will find out the truth. So in the end #444 requested to get the highest punishment as a Grim Reaper. It was to erase him completely in the world, meaning it will be a different story because he will never be existed in the world.

Kang Ha Ram was born as a normal individual and grow as an old lady. Before she dies, she will see the bracelet. That bracelet will remind her that Kim Joon exists in the world. The time she died, Grim Reaper/Kim Joon will pick up her soul and it was a happy ending.

Of course, it was a happy ending! Not just I was expecting a different ending that would satisfied more to give justice about their love story. It's not like that guys! Still, I enjoyed this kdrama.

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