Monday, November 14, 2016 10:34 AM

Hi guys, you'll be reading this review of mine regarding my experience in Basic Pastry Making. Well, I've waited for that day for a year because it's our company cooperative's program and its inclusive for members only and last year I'm not yet a member. Gladly, member is allowed to bring a dependent and I have someone to go there since my officemates can't be there.

The training scope is making macaroons, chocolate crinkles, no bake brownies and no bake rum bar.
 Here are some photos of pastry we made:
Macaroon in a plate
A tray of Macaroons
No bake Brownies of group 1 and Group 2

Choco Crinkles
Crinkles and No bake brownies :)
No Bake Rum Bar (not yet slice)
We're the second batch of this workshop and we're only 11 and that thing seems to be an advantage for us. Our baking trainor name is Norma Abad, and she's really good in giving of tips about baking. She said "In cooking, we follow our taste, but in baking we follow instructions". The successful result of baking depends on measurement and ingredients. The life span depends on ingredients brand from commercial high end one.
Some also depends on the environment and dense of the combine ingredients. She said that nowadays, there are lots of ready-made ingredients and baking enhancer. We can also watch videos from internet and get tips, but I don't regret attending this training because I've experienced hands on making and we have tasted the pastries we made. We even had a take out.

All of this for FREE. We also got a Certificate of Attendance. Yey  I'm really excited to bake soon and experiment. I didn't pursue my dream career, but because I want it, sure thing is there's a way to do my interests. Baking is expensive ( literally ). from investing baking tools and baking ingredients.

THROUGH invest little by little nothing is impossible. If you have the chance to ATTEND  training like this, grab it if you have a free time. NOTHING will suffer, but great experience will be gained. Push it if you feel happiness. START will never be easy and nothing will start if you do nothing.

Note: Baking is not for lazy people..because it requires you to clean everything you use

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