Super Moon November 14, 2016

Tuesday, November 15, 2016 10:30 AM

Moon and stars when you look up there somewhere in the night. Somehow, I find it relaxing. Looking how bright they are and twinkling in the dark. I don't know why, but for me, I'm excited to see something unusual about our solar system. Those kinds of things make me amaze for the beautiful creation of our Father.

Auto Phone Camera setting
Yesterday night, I've witnessed the Super Moon with my 50 50 eyes. I've clearly seen the moon so bright with a blue glowing outline around its shape. I didn't know what super moon is, my friends just told us to watch the moon in 17th floor.

From GMA NEWS FB post :

They said that around 7 to 10, moon will be bigger, but based on what I saw, it's not too big but it's not also the normal full moon. I NOTICE THE BLUE OUTLINE that my friends didn't see and telling me that my eyes really had an unclear sight. Well, after an hour my friend informed me about something regarding the super moon. My friend confirmed me the thing I told them and yes, I was right, the moon has blue outline and that night I guess my eyes are better than theirs in watching it.

View from rooftop looking at the moon and city lights is really unwinding. It's so nice to watch them and stay there for a few minutes. The camera can capture it, but my eyes for sure already saved the view in my memory.

See pictures below:
Night mode

Lights Photography (phone capture) :D

HDR mode

Symmetry phone photography

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