Sarsaya Oyster Sauce: Saucy Kangkong

Monday, June 26, 2017 3:38 PM

saucy kangkong

Hi guys! Here's a simple dish with delicious blend of savory sweet and salty taste made from rich real oyster concentrate and right blend of seasonings and spices that makes my dish masarsarap.

I used available ingredients we have:

1. Sliced garlic
2. Slice onion
3. Bundle of Kangkong
4. Ground pork
5. Kikiam
6. Oyster Sauce
7. Ground black pepper


- Fried the kikiam and keep it aside
 - Heat a cooking pot and pour cooking oil
- When the oil is hot enough, put-in the garlic then onion
- Put in the ground pork and wait till it's look brownish
- Pour the Sarsaya Oyster Sauce and water in the cooking pot
- Sprinkle ground pepper and let boil
- Add the Kangkong and cook it for a few minutes.
- Mixed the fried kikiam before turning off the stove

Saucy Kangkong
Saucy Kangkong
It's very quick and easy to cook. If you want veggie and inexpensive dish, you can also try it. Make your own version of Kangkong dish.

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