Crazy cute things about friends!

Thursday, June 15, 2017 5:28 PM


I'm not sure about everything, nor something at times. What I know is that I myself wanted to live my life with no regrets. Who else doesn't like, right? I guess everybody does. As we grow, we meet new people. Some just pass through and some stay.
Friendship - relation between friends
We like to have someone on our side. Someone who cheers up for us when we are down. Person we can open up when we are upset and stress. Someone to tap our back when everything seems so wrong. Not a partner, but someone who loves us like our family. Admit it guys, there is some topic you cannot tell your family. Like when you have a relationship issues, it's hard to tell your family how hard things are for you.

We want the funniest thing for us to be emotionally healthy. Friend is not required in one's life, but you have it and your good life becomes a better one. It's nice to add spice in food for it to have a twist, it's indeed best to find true friends who makes our life gleeful. Friends cannot get through money, they are treasures to keep forever.

"Friends are like family not through blood but through heart."

How about you?
What is a friend for you?
How do you consider someone to call as your friend?
friends become our chosen family
Here's a fact:
- Regardless the age, gender and status in life: it can be someone's friend
- Even different religion and beliefs: those people can be friends
- No position or state in life can tell who your friends are.
- Physical appearance and style is not a basis of choosing a true friend

Same interest, people with the same interest like yours can be easily your friend. It is because you can both enjoy doing things you want. Having someone with the same trip can give you happiness.
Best time
You never need to pretend in front of your friends for them to like you. All your flaws are accepted. Nothing is weird as both of you are not clueless how strange each other is. You both do craziness over things and you still believe it's funny.

Someone who genuinely cares for you, friend is someone who is concerned about you. Friend should be mutual. In case it's not, either they need you or they're just using you. Friend should have affection towards each other. It should be real.

In your random emotion, they once witness you for sure. In most of special events in your life other than your family, you are with your friends on the way.

We are comfortable with our friends. Actually, we are spending most of our time with them.
They lessen negative vibes and increase positive thoughts for us. They support and give help when we need and they are proud when we do more or even little achievements.

Be wise in living. You have a friend, you're not alone.
Live a happy life. Be with people who helps you grow as a person.

"Friends... they cherish one another's hopes. They are kind to one another's dream" -Henry David Thoreau
"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself" -Jim Morrison

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